Fondue “Neuchâteloise”

♣ 1 clove of garlic, cut into two
♣ 600 g / 21 oz grated or thin slices of Gruyère
♣ 200 g / 7 oz grated or thin slices of mature Britchon cheese
♣ 4 teaspoons of cornflour
♣ 350 dl Neuchâtel white wine
♣ teaspoon freshly squeezed lemon juice
♣ 1 small glass of kirsch
♣ freshly ground pepper
♣ freshly grated nutmeg

Fondue “Neuchâteloise“ (Classic Fondue)
Rub the inside of the pot with cut surface of the garlic. Coarsely grate the cheese and mix them in the pot. Add wine, lemon juice, and cornfllour and stir over medium heat until cheese melts. The lemon juice is important, as it gives a flavorful tang and encourages the cheese to melt quickly. Stir with a wooden spoon in a figure 8 motion to keep it from getting stringy (if it does, keep stirring in figure 8, it will eventually melt correctly).Stir the Kirsch, pepper and nutmeg, and cook a bit longer until the mixture is smooth and creamy.
Put the fondue dish on the burner over a moderate flame and ask your guests to stir the fondue with their piece of bread before eating.
Tip 😉
Best would fit a day-old French bread, cut or torn into 1 ½ inch squares,preferably with a bit of crust on each piece
Tip 😉
1 small glass of kirsch should be drunk halfway through and another at the end.
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