Fondue “Double cream Roquefort with Broccoli”

♣ 1 clove garlic
♣ 150 g Roquefort cheese, crumbled
♣ 1 tbsp cornstarch
♣ 60 ml white wine
♣ 250 ml double cream
♣ 1 tbsp kirsch
♣ freshly ground black pepper
♣ crunchy broccoli
♣ bread

Fondue “Double cream Roquefort with Broccoli”
First blanch the broccoli in a pan of boiling salted water for 2 minutes; then remove the broccoli from the pan and keep warm.
Rub the inside of the fondue pot with the garlic.Now take it out.
Add the wine into the pot and heat until boiling. Lower the heat and gradually stir in the the Roquefort, the cream and freshly ground black pepper to the pan until melted, stirring all the time.
Blend the kirsch with the cornflour. Add to the cheese mixture and cook gently until the mixture is smooth – don’t let it boil or it will burn.
Using the fondue prongs, dip the broccoli & bread cubes into your Cheeeesy Fondue.
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