Fondue “Cheddar with Jalapeños & Nachos”

♣ 1 glove of garlic, halved
♣ 300 dl dry white wine
♣ 2 tbsp cornstarch
♣ 400 shredded cheddar
♣ 200 shredded Emmental
♣ 4 roasted jalapeños, minced
♣ Bread
♣ Nachos

Fondue “Cheddar with Jalapeños & Nachos”
Rub the sides and base of the pot with the garlic. Dissolve the cornstarch in a little bit of wine and add into Fondue pot along with 3 dl of white wine. Whisk over medium low heat until the cornstarch fully dissolves into the liquid.
Now start adding the shredded cheese to the pot, one handful at a time. Let each handful of cheese melt before adding the next handful. Whisk until the cheese is fully melted and the texture is smooth and right for dipping. Add the minced jalapenos to the pot and whisk to blend.
Tip 😉
for dipping serve Nachos – for drinking serve Tequila 😉
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